
Showing posts from June, 2022

Automation Technologies for Michigan Ed Medical Billing

Your practice will thrive with streamlined, automated medical billing for improving cash flow and rapid reimbursement. At 360 Medical Billing Solutions, we offer three important Michigan Ed Medical Billing automation strategies that free your time to be with patients and do the work you love. 360 Medical Billing Solutions for Electronic Processing, Clearinghouse, & Software Integration 1) Electronic Processing The introduction of “paperless” electronic medical records, EOB, claims to file, and funds transfer systems to physician groups offer a highly secure, efficient, money and storage-saving strategy for streamlining physician practice billing management 2) Healthcare Clearinghouse Clearinghouse integration is another valuable service provided by 360 Medical Billing Solutions to help physicians streamline workflow and eliminate the fees that providers traditionally pay for billing and claims transactions 3) Software Integration We have a unique relationship with o...