
Showing posts from February, 2022

What are the Benefits of Electronic Processing in Medical Billing?

There are three ways that 360 Medical Billing Solutions use electronic processing to help our clients become more efficient and profitable: 1) First, we retrieve patient demographic information 1electronically from your hospital’s registration system. We have already developed this interface with HMA, HCA, CHS, and other independent hospital systems. The benefits of obtaining patient demographic information electronically are immeasurable. It ensures the Michigan ed medical billing information for each patient mirrors that of the hospitals. It also guarantees we can capture data for every patient who registers in your department to make sure we are accounting for all patient records. 2) Second, we submit your claims electronically to Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and any other third party capable of receiving electronic claims. Not only does electronic medical billing ensure more timely payment, but it also eliminates much of the postage costs incurred by other billing c